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Showing posts from April, 2024

But i am stuck at this street

But i am stuck at this street Poem Had a dream to cross the farland But haven't left this street Another year gone by, Friends And people i knew flew away But I am stuck on this street I have a dream Someday i will left this street will travel the world May be then i will miss this street i will miss the sense of you Someday when i will travel the world May be i will miss the memory of you But for now, I am stuck at this street  

Under the Elder tree

 Under the elder tree (poem) As i bask on the sun this winter Under the elder tree I feel everything right about you i wish u were here under elder tree On the same shade Breathing same air, This winter,it ain't gonna come back I felt myself at home with you on sight The belief and faith you carve on me Now I see myself as child who was lost back well,you bring me back home, Truly to who am i Adrenaline rush, all the happy hormones Noone has ever made beat heart like you,never before U feel home,comfort home the cosmos and stars everything is connected I was unaware about you  last summer this winter everything just feels right about you and us

Young pale eye

 Young pale eye Walked slowly and slowly forward a young pale eye giving me sight whirled from the window and stood before a glass Rapidly pulling down her hair like a rainbow reflects on light Young pale eye ohoo young pale eye You took my heart away yyyyyy Blue gray twilight white mist Sun grinned the brightest gentle rain bark up happy bubbles Flattered drops Raincoat on arm odourless Floated dreamily, Young pale eye ohoo young pale eye You took my heart awayyyyy walked through valley uphill stared those eyes for a while ,let me for eternal thousands of eyes around ,yet mirrored with yours Young pale eye ohoooo  my young pale eye You took my heart awayyyyyy Embraced the soul hardly protrayed beauty There must be magic of light on dim dreamed;over a hill dancing with him under a dim character burnt to light up gathering all the way out of castle sealed Sailed beyond the night With you could soaked on infinitely on that feel Youn pale eye ohooo ...

फक everything

  फक Everything      (कविता) घनघोर तपस्यामा झै साधु विचालत छ मानव, भित्री सुनसान मेल खोज्छ एक मन साधु भई जप जप्छ यहाँ अर्को विलक्षण मन जोगी भई सफर  सोध्छ यहाँ पाप पुण्य कसले जान्या छ र जोख दिने को छ र यहाँ के सही के गलत भनिदिने को छ र यहाँ मै पाप में धर्म छुट्याइदिने सेतु के छ र यहाँ? में गुणी, ज्ञानी, विवेकी सुरभि भन्ने चरित्र नी  लड्छ यहाँ अस्थिर मन  यहाँ कसले देख्न सक्छ र नसवक्षम पञ्चतन्त्र;अग्नि, वायु, जल भूमि बोल्न यहाँ म को नै हो र विचार गर्न र यहाँ भूमिबाट आई भूमिमै मास छर्ने यहाँ जीवन अस्थिर कहाँ नै छ र मानव मस्तिष्क बाहेक यहाँ न आतेस छ वृक्ष, फरफराउँदा हागों नहतास न चिन्तित नै छ वायु यहाँ, बग्छ छताछुल्ल तेज पारी भास्वर पनि प्रकाश एकछत्त समतुल्य छर्छ यहा न सुर्ता आगमको, न त शोक अतीतको जे कल्पित छ,त्यो हुन्छ ही हुन्छ हार नमान,बढ अघि,अभि अथ एउटै मन्त्र यँहा फक every thing,फक every thing।  

सिलगुडी,वेश्यालय र यौन विलासी

 This is the story about youth, romance and seduction. The three youths who are travelling koilakhat spent another night in siliguri.Stunned by the beauty of city, wandering around, they found themselves in a brothel near by on busy street of dusky cold afternoon. (लघु अंश) सर्दी यामको सवाली अपरान्ह नवयौवन तरूण वैसको रामलीला र कामुकताले जाग्यो।अविरल अनन्त वेफुर्सद यी गल्ली को निर्जर जोरसोर घरि झ्याल भित्र घरी बाहिर,उसै दिनका सरी आलिस्यमा फड्फडाइरहेको बङ्गाली मुलायमदार पर्दाको पेहेरदारीमा एकैचोटी अटसमटस हुने गरि कोठा भरी झाङ्गिन्छ।झाङ्गिएका जोरसोरले गर्दा सिलगुडीमा हुनुको आवास दिलाँउछन्।त्यो मुलायम घामको चर्को ठन्डी दिनमा,कोठाको रफ्तार झन ठहरिदै गयो।ती खैरो बदामी रङ्ग मुहार भएकी बङ्गाली कन्याले  आफ्ना वदनको वस्त्र रेशा एकएक गर्दै उर्धादै जाँदा नाङ्गो छालाको वदन सिउँदै गइन।जीयको हरेक अङ्गको मांसपेशी पुष्टाएर मौलाएका र खादिला थिए।मध्य वक्ष भरीका मास फस्टाएर वृक्षमा पोषिला फल नुहे सरी नुहेका थिए ।कति आकर्षक !कति हेरिरहुझै! स्पर्श गरीरहुझै ती गोलाकृत असमान लचिलो,थलथले झोलुङ्गे मासक...

A letter to bilbo baggins

  Dear friend bilbo baggins, As i walked down the shire,everything feel like entering a fairytales world where life is simple and pleasant. The wind is fresh and friendly hobbits make you feel right at home.I wonder where gandalf must be.May be he is on farland fighting dark forces of sarun or may be battling against smaug on high mountains along with King under the Mountain,Thorin and dwarves .One day he will return the shire with his troops,will mark your door and as night falls the dwarves warrior with their king Thorin(son of Thrain II),will appeared on your door for barrel of wine of the eastland,which is hidden by you on the back of hobbit hole. They will strengthen their energy,will enjoy the meat and wine and when just in mid night time gandalf will arrive hustling on your door,you will be upset with him but you also know that Gandalf is man of good value.He will asked you to be part of his journey,an extraordinary adventure to reclaimed kingdom under t...


  मन्सरा पहेँलो भुस र लाम्चा बाला हुने खालको एक प्रकारको धान; मन्सरा हो।मन्सरा,एक नव वितानमा नव रैतानीको आरम्भको कविता हो।धानको पसाइ वा उम्राई आफैमा प्राक्रितिक रूपमा कति अजब कमालको प्रकृिया छ।धान फल्नु हामीलाई झट्ट हेर्दा साधारण लाग्दछ तर एउटा बिज रोपिसकेपछि ,टुसा अङ्कुराउन राम्रो हावापानी ,राम्रो जिलाई र चाकरी चाहिन्छ। त्यो बिज उब्जिएर फूल लागे देखी,धानका बाला लागुञ्जेल सम्म धेरै सकस हुन्छ। धान अङ्कुराईरहदा अल्प याम बिताएर ,झरिरहदा ,मन्सराका बालाले आफ्ना पर्यावरण वरिपरि बास्ना छरेर जान्छे र सौन्दर्यले सबैलाई तडपाएर जान्छे।मन्सराका सर्वणिम चमकदार बालाको सौन्दर्यको झिल्का समयसगै नुहेर ,विलिन भएर जान्छ।सर्दी यामको आगमन भन्दा अगाडि नै बाली भित्राउदा के बाला तरूनोनै रहला त भन्ने कविता हो।यो कविता सौन्द्रयको हो,बास्ना बोक्ने बतासको हो,शयेन नजर भएका गिद्दको हो,प्रेमको हो,वायुमातको हो ,पुष्परसको हो ,बिछोडको हो ,नव यामको हो,धानका बालाको हो। अतं यो कविता मन्सराको हो। कविता                      आज उसले बिज रोप्ने छ  सौम्य ती गलेका ...

Once the sun slide through the hill

  Once the sun slide through the hill Poem Once the sun slide through the hill Once the cloud rises above the sky Everything,everything goes with the wind Bursting out leaves on a lone tree as a leaf i flow with wind alone As a stem i withstand the wind alone As a root i withstand the depth alone And as a tree ,i stand alone